Jakarta in Frame is a personal photo blog. It contains daily photos coping Jakarta and surrounding. The purpose of this blog is mainly to share some information and places, spots, tourism objects especially in Jakarta and surrounding. This blog also shares some memorable and beautiful moment that are captured in a form of photo.

Inscription and Gravestone Maker

This place is for you who want to order a gravestone for your family member or relative who has passed away, or for a building that has just been built and is going to be certified in a form of inscription then you can order them here. All those things are manually made. This place is located in Duren Tiga, Kalibata close to Kalibata intersection. (Kalibata -  South Jakarta. May 2, 2010)


Kris McCracken said...

A fun job!

andie said...

how much is it? give me one! #halah

TomieDLuffy said...

nice shot gan, bisa pesan 1 nih.. buat ntar... #wew

gan sy jg baru buat lg nih.. jd ikut2an.. :D


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