Jakarta in Frame is a personal photo blog. It contains daily photos coping Jakarta and surrounding. The purpose of this blog is mainly to share some information and places, spots, tourism objects especially in Jakarta and surrounding. This blog also shares some memorable and beautiful moment that are captured in a form of photo.

I Love Jakarta Clean

"I LOVE JAKARTA CLEAN" That what is written on the top of the garbage bin. I wish there will be more like this around Jakarta so that it's not only a slogan but that will come true. (Jl. M.T. Haryono - South Jakarta. May 19, 2010)


Sukses dan Uang Melimpah said...

Yes, I like it Jakarta clean, because this city is Special Capital Region in Indonesia, we must clean Jakarta city. GO Green Jakarta, Jakarta is my memories city.

Indonesia Java International Destination - Jakarta Area

Wahyu Zuli Firmanto said...

bentar lagi aku hidup di jakarta,,semoga saat aku disana jakarta sudah jadi benar2 bersih..

utari said...

moga jakarta bersihnya g cuman d gambar aja..Amin


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